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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Nevermore - The Final Maximum Ride novel

Okay, I'm scared. Actually, I'm not scared. I'm terrified. The Final Maximum Ride book, which is called Nevermore, by the way, officially released the cover. The cover is cool and all, but it really got me thinking about the title. That is what worries me. Have any of you read the poem that 'nevermore' refers to? It's by Edgar Allen Poe. It's all about losing love and tragedies. Tragedies, I can handle. There are always casualties in a war. However, it specifically and accurately describes my worst fear: That Max will forget "old love" and move on the the next guy. That mere thought is terrifying. I swear, if James Patterson screws up the ending of my favorite series, then he will deeply regret it. I will never respect him as an author, for one thing. Dylan is without a doubt the cheesiest character I have ever encountered, besides Peeta from the Hunger Games or Shay from the Nightshade trilogy. But Dylan is by far the character that I loathe the most and I really, really want Max to end up with Fang or die. Death is better than Dylan. And if Fang so much as thinks about hooking up with Max 2, the ripoff Max, then I will.... I don't even know what. Cry, scream, throw things, etc.

I mean, i usually don't base my opinions on a book over who the main character ends up with, but the best choice is Fang. Dylan just pops up out of nowhere and is like "Oh, I'm your perfect mate. I'm a clone. I'm from unknown origin and is best friends with a guy who wants to destroy the human race. I was created to love you and have no control over it. Do you want to make babies?" That is absolutely, without a doubt, the most anti-romantic, disgusting thing that I have ever read or heard. Fang has protected her, (which is quite an accomplishment, since she's always leaping headfirst into some sort of trap) cared for her, (another amazing feat, since she is so damn stubborn and "independent") and has loved her forever. (The greatest feat of all, for a million reasons) He was there for her from the beginning and only left out of a selfless act to protect her, because whoever made Dylan is out to kill Fang and anyone who stands in their way. Really,every person who has read the series is rooting for Fang and James Patterson will lose all of his future fans if he screws up the ending of the Maximum Ride series by making Max end up with that poser Dylan.

It would really be tacky to kill Fang yet another time.
Comments are appreciated and encouraged. Here is the cover:

Saturday, February 4, 2012

My Book List For 2012

I really have high hopes for this year's book release lineup! It seems like everything is ending this year... Endings are very fragile, precarious things that are very easy to screw up. (Examples of great series with totally screwed up endings: Bloodrose by Andrea Creamer or Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins) However, an amazing ending can be crafted. ( Examples of endings that made me squeal with delight: The Iron Fey by Julie Kagawa and the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series by Rick Riordan)

The endings to a series really makes or breaks a book, and is at least as important as the first novel in a series. So, here's hoping that this year, the endings will be epic. Tragedy or Happy ending, I'll love, as long as it's written with care.

Here are the titles being released this year, in order:

Hush, Hush: The Graphic Novel by Becca Fitzpatrick - February 14th, 2012
Out of Sight, Out of Time by Ally Carter - March 13th, 2012
The Serpent’s Shadow by Rick Riordan -  May 1st, 2012
Bitterblue by Kristen Cashore - May 1st, 2012
Nevermore: The Finale of Maximum Ride by James Patterson - August 6th, 2012
Hush, Hush Saga Book 4 by Becca Fitzpatrick - Fall 2012
The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan -  Fall, 2012
Matched Book 3 by Allie Condie - November 13th, 2012

As of today, these dates are accurate, but (what usually happens) the dates may change. Feel free to tell me what books you guys are looking forward to this year, because I'm more than happy to hear about it! 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Double Release Day

Hey, so two books from some of my FAVORITE book series came out today! I am super excited!! Unfortunately, my little town doesn't exactly have a book store. They have a Gamestop, but they don't bother to throw in a single book store. Not even a tiny little local nameless bookstore. That's American society for you.

So, the nearest Target only had one of the two books that I wanted. I had to go to Wal-Mart for the other one. If you want to know, he two books that came out today were 'The Son of Neptune' by Rick Riordan and 'Silence' by Becca Fitzpatrick. I love them both so much!! I already finished 'The Son of Neptune', and am starting 'Silence'.

There are SOOO many things that OI want to talk about that happened in the book, but I have absolutely no one to talk about them with. No one has read it. I don't even know if anyone has even bought either of the books yet.

So, if any of you have questions, comments, suggestions, or death threats, feel free to drop a line.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Scoreboard of Life- Me:0 The Cruel World: Infinty

So, yeah. I didn't win the contest. Big surprise there, considering that I can't ever remember winning a contest of any sort. So today was a murky blur, considering that I was in a stupefied daze all day doing a half-assed job on everything. I was looking forward to seeing that if I might have won Julie Kagawa's contest that I mentioned in a previous post, but that's why I try not to get my hopes up. The world just kicks you while you're down, you know? I guess my dream to be a writer just got smashed, if I can't even win a simple writing contest, who would buy a whole novel that I write? Maybe I'll end up working at Starbucks for the rest of my miserable life instead, watching real writers drink coffee and tap on their cute little laptops.

Oh, and the homecoming fever has swept through my high school, making me want to gag or stab myself to death with those cheap cafeteria sporks. I know I sound like a killjoy, but it doesn't sound so amazing to me. I don't know everyone is so excited about it. I mean, you pay twenty bucks for ONE ticket, you pay a whole lot more for the dresses (or the church-clothes that you dudes wear), you have to pay for diner, all that primping and pampering just to go drink cheap punch and listen to lame music in a gym that wreaks of sweaty high schoolers. I guess it's good that I'm the only sane one in that school, 'cause nobody wants me to go with them anyways. That really helps my self-esteem.

 Anyways, the only good news that I cling to is that a week from tomorrow, I'm skipping school to get a book that comes out. I know, nerdy, right? I've been waiting for a year for this book to come out, and now it's finally going to happen! Unless the world is feeling extra horrible and decides to sell out of the books before I can go to the nearest book store. Then that would suck. Even more than usual.

So, enough with my miserable life, what's new with you guys? I mean, no one is probably reading this anyways, but if you are, I want to know that I haven't killed you  with my boring whining. I'm a good listener, so write what you wish, even if it's telling me to go and cry in my little emo corner (sorry, but I don't have one to go to) I'm  a big girl, I can handle the brutality.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Okay, here's a contest entry.

For those of you who didn't know, Julie Kagawa is holding a contest. She's offering up an ARC (advanced Reading Copy) of her newest Iron Fey book, called The Iron Knight, And it doesn't come out until November. I'm totally stoked about the book, and I can't wait until it comes out. I really don't stand a chance of winning this thing, but it's worth a shot. I've never owned an ARC before. I've always wondered what it was like to have an ARC... It's like... seeing the future...

WAIT!! I forgot the rules, I might as well explain them. She asked, if you could have a day with Puck or ASH, what would you do with him?

Anyways, here it goes!

No contest there. A day with Ash all the way, sorry Puck.

Okay, first off, I would probably end up poking his arm to make sure that he was really there. After I made sure that he was not another figment of my overactive imagination, I would probably stifle a cackle of glee, because ASH IS REALLY HERE! I'M NOT CRAZY!

At this point, Ash would probably be looking at me strangely. Which wouldn't be that noticeable, since I'm not used to deciphering his near emotionless looks. Then again, he might think that I'm an enemy. Before he hacks me to pieces with his sword, I'll assure him that I'm definitely not his enemy, and am only mortal.

Then, I would probably ask him if he knows how to ice skate, and if he did, could he teach me, because I've never been ice skating. I've always wanted to learn how and learning how to ice skate from the Prince of Winter himself would make the experience a hundred times greater.

He'd probably be a little surprised that I've never seen actual snow either, so maybe he could use a little of that mystical ice glamour and make it snow... at least for a minute.

He might give me the cold shoulder, (hehe, okay, that was a pretty bad pun.) but then I'd remind him that I knew that his heart belonged to Meghan, and I totally and completely understand. I'm not even attempting to replace Meghan.

Maybe, if he loosened up a bit, we would go through a Fey gate, a shortcut to somewhere where it snows regularly. Maybe even somewhere in the Winter Court.

He would totally beat me in a snowball fight, since he's been a Winter Prince for centuries and I'm a newbie at the whole 'snow' thing.

He might even show me around a little bit, if he's feeling generous. Maybe a short hike through a forest of the snow capped pines of the NeverNever.

Who knows, I've always, always wanted to learn how to sword-fight. He could use glamour to form one for me out of ice. He could teach me to duel, like he taught Meghan. Besides, I've always wanted to see exactly what his legendary sword looked like...

After all that happened, I would still be in shock, silently wondering when I was going to wake up from this, because it would be too amazing to be true.

I would wish him the best of luck on his most recent quest and tell him that I would be rooting for him and to never lose faith in Meghan or himself, because some things, like love, are worth fighting for. To many people forget that.

Ash would take me through the Fey gate and back to my house. Then, he would turn and leave, not looking back. Then, like the snow of winter melts and disappeared in the warmth of spring, Ash would disappear; leaving me wondering if everything was really just a dream. 


why is it that weird color?! Jeez... Computers hate me.  Here's a link to the contest page, if anyone's interested.

Forgive Me, I'm New At This

So... I really don't know what I'm supposed to so, so I'm just gonna wing it and see what happens. Since no one's going to read this anyways, I figured I might as well do what I want. I don't really know why I need a blog, but I got one. Just for kicks. This is my first post! Sorry to disappoint you. If you're looking at this, thinking that you're going to find some super amazing, diary of a celebrity or a runaway mutant, look somewhere else. Okay, now that's established, maybe I can have some fun with this. Who knows?