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Monday, September 26, 2011

Scoreboard of Life- Me:0 The Cruel World: Infinty

So, yeah. I didn't win the contest. Big surprise there, considering that I can't ever remember winning a contest of any sort. So today was a murky blur, considering that I was in a stupefied daze all day doing a half-assed job on everything. I was looking forward to seeing that if I might have won Julie Kagawa's contest that I mentioned in a previous post, but that's why I try not to get my hopes up. The world just kicks you while you're down, you know? I guess my dream to be a writer just got smashed, if I can't even win a simple writing contest, who would buy a whole novel that I write? Maybe I'll end up working at Starbucks for the rest of my miserable life instead, watching real writers drink coffee and tap on their cute little laptops.

Oh, and the homecoming fever has swept through my high school, making me want to gag or stab myself to death with those cheap cafeteria sporks. I know I sound like a killjoy, but it doesn't sound so amazing to me. I don't know everyone is so excited about it. I mean, you pay twenty bucks for ONE ticket, you pay a whole lot more for the dresses (or the church-clothes that you dudes wear), you have to pay for diner, all that primping and pampering just to go drink cheap punch and listen to lame music in a gym that wreaks of sweaty high schoolers. I guess it's good that I'm the only sane one in that school, 'cause nobody wants me to go with them anyways. That really helps my self-esteem.

 Anyways, the only good news that I cling to is that a week from tomorrow, I'm skipping school to get a book that comes out. I know, nerdy, right? I've been waiting for a year for this book to come out, and now it's finally going to happen! Unless the world is feeling extra horrible and decides to sell out of the books before I can go to the nearest book store. Then that would suck. Even more than usual.

So, enough with my miserable life, what's new with you guys? I mean, no one is probably reading this anyways, but if you are, I want to know that I haven't killed you  with my boring whining. I'm a good listener, so write what you wish, even if it's telling me to go and cry in my little emo corner (sorry, but I don't have one to go to) I'm  a big girl, I can handle the brutality.

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