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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Nevermore - The Final Maximum Ride novel

Okay, I'm scared. Actually, I'm not scared. I'm terrified. The Final Maximum Ride book, which is called Nevermore, by the way, officially released the cover. The cover is cool and all, but it really got me thinking about the title. That is what worries me. Have any of you read the poem that 'nevermore' refers to? It's by Edgar Allen Poe. It's all about losing love and tragedies. Tragedies, I can handle. There are always casualties in a war. However, it specifically and accurately describes my worst fear: That Max will forget "old love" and move on the the next guy. That mere thought is terrifying. I swear, if James Patterson screws up the ending of my favorite series, then he will deeply regret it. I will never respect him as an author, for one thing. Dylan is without a doubt the cheesiest character I have ever encountered, besides Peeta from the Hunger Games or Shay from the Nightshade trilogy. But Dylan is by far the character that I loathe the most and I really, really want Max to end up with Fang or die. Death is better than Dylan. And if Fang so much as thinks about hooking up with Max 2, the ripoff Max, then I will.... I don't even know what. Cry, scream, throw things, etc.

I mean, i usually don't base my opinions on a book over who the main character ends up with, but the best choice is Fang. Dylan just pops up out of nowhere and is like "Oh, I'm your perfect mate. I'm a clone. I'm from unknown origin and is best friends with a guy who wants to destroy the human race. I was created to love you and have no control over it. Do you want to make babies?" That is absolutely, without a doubt, the most anti-romantic, disgusting thing that I have ever read or heard. Fang has protected her, (which is quite an accomplishment, since she's always leaping headfirst into some sort of trap) cared for her, (another amazing feat, since she is so damn stubborn and "independent") and has loved her forever. (The greatest feat of all, for a million reasons) He was there for her from the beginning and only left out of a selfless act to protect her, because whoever made Dylan is out to kill Fang and anyone who stands in their way. Really,every person who has read the series is rooting for Fang and James Patterson will lose all of his future fans if he screws up the ending of the Maximum Ride series by making Max end up with that poser Dylan.

It would really be tacky to kill Fang yet another time.
Comments are appreciated and encouraged. Here is the cover:

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